Sodas and Bottled Juices: The Lies, Secrets, and the Truth

Sodas and Bottled Juices: The Lies, Secrets, and the Truth


In this article, we will discuss the truth about sodas and bottled juices. Despite the availability of health-awareness information, many people consume a large amount of sweetened and caloric drinks. We will expose the lies and secrets behind the marketing tactics of these beverages and provide information on the harmful effects they can have on our health.

The Sugar Content

Packed juices and sodas have a high sugar content. A single serving of the beverage, equivalent to one 16.9 ounce bottle, contains 25 grams of added sugar, which is half the daily limit recommended by the federal government. The sugar content in packed juices is often overlooked because of the fruit images on the packaging.

Real Fruits or Fake Ones?

Marketers make packed juices seem healthy by claiming they contain real fruit. However, if the label shows patulin, it indicates that poor quality fruits were used to make the juice. Juices labeled "no preservatives" have undergone the deoxygenation process, which deteriorates their quality.

Calories Matter

One glass of apple juice contains 120 calories while a raw apple contains only 78 calories. There are at least 61 different names for sugar listed on food labels, including sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, barley malt, dextrose, maltose, and rice syrup. Consumers need to be aware of the calorie count and sugar content in these beverages.

Coca-Cola and Family

The World Health Organization recommends consuming no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar daily for optimal health. Drinking just one serving of cola a day exceeds this limit. Coca-Cola has spent nearly $4 million funding science to push the myth that liquid sugar is no different than any other product we consume. This has resulted in consumers falling prey to expensive fake news.

Mountain Dew Killer

Mountain Dew Killer, a drink from the cola family, packs 330 calories and 62 grams of carbs into a tiny 16 oz bottle. It doesn't even taste good enough to justify the calorie splurge.

Honest Tea

Critics say that Honest Tea, which is owned by Coca-Cola, misleads consumers about the amount of sugar added to their products. Health authorities have linked consumption of added sugars to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Companies routinely market beverages, breakfast cereals, snack bars, and other foods as lightly sweetened, heart healthy, or nutritious.

Diet Sodas

Diet sodas advertise themselves as sugar-free, but they use artificial sweeteners, which can be just as harmful. These sweeteners can cause headaches, dizziness, and even cancer. Consumers should be aware of the effects of artificial sweeteners on their health.


Consumers need to be more aware of the sugar and calorie content in sodas and bottled juices. The marketing tactics used by these companies often deceive consumers into believing they are making a healthy choice. The truth is, consuming these drinks can lead to health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It's time to ditch these sugary drinks and look for healthier alternatives.
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